National Awareness Month


Recently the comic newspaper The Onion ran a delightful-mindful-philosophical article titled "December Named National Awareness Month". It begins:

In an effort to combat what organizers are calling "our current epidemic of complete and utter obliviousness," the American Foundation for Paying Attention to Things has declared December "National Awareness Month."

"All across the country, millions of men and women are dangerously unaware," AFPAT spokesperson Karen Teeling said during a press conference Monday. "What's worse, the vast majority of those suffering from this debilitating state of mind don't even know it."

"That's why this December we're asking that all Americans stop whatever it is they're doing, and take a moment to open their eyes for once—just once—in their lives," Teeling added. "It'll make all the difference in the world."

(cf. Shake the Pillars (2008-09-02), ...) - ^z - 2009-12-02